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Advoro AG

Dufourstrasse 150

9000 St.Gallen

08:00 - 12:00 13:30 - 17:30

Montag bis Freitag

Protecting Your Assets: The Importance of a Marriage Contract for Business Owners

As a reputable notary firm committed to safeguarding your legal interests, we understand the paramount importance of planning for the future, especially when it comes to matters as significant as marriage and business ownership. For individuals who are both partners in love and in business, the creation of a marriage contract can serve as an invaluable tool in preserving assets, mitigating risks, and ensuring peace of mind for all parties involved.

Marriage is a union not only of hearts but also of assets and liabilities. When individuals enter into matrimony, their financial landscapes become intertwined, potentially exposing their business interests to unforeseen risks in the event of divorce or separation. For business owners, the implications of marital dissolution can be particularly profound, potentially leading to the division of business assets, disruption of operations, and even the dissolution of the enterprise itself.

A well-crafted marriage contract, also known as a prenuptial agreement, offers a proactive solution to these concerns by allowing couples to define their respective rights and obligations with regard to their business interests prior to marriage. By clearly outlining matters such as asset ownership, management roles, financial contributions, and division of assets in the event of divorce or separation, a marriage contract provides a framework for navigating potential disputes and minimizing the potential for costly litigation down the road.

For business owners, the benefits of a marriage contract extend far beyond mere asset protection. By addressing these important financial considerations upfront, couples can foster open communication, establish mutual trust, and strengthen their relationship through proactive planning. Rather than viewing a marriage contract as a sign of distrust, it should be seen as a prudent and responsible measure to safeguard the interests of both parties and promote marital harmony in the long term.

We specialize in assisting couples in drafting comprehensive and customized marriage contracts tailored to their unique needs and circumstances. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing personalized guidance and support throughout the process, ensuring that your legal agreements are clear, enforceable, and aligned with your goals and objectives.

We are proud to offer affordable flat-rate packages, ensuring that quality legal protection is accessible to all couples, regardless of their financial situation. Contact us for more information.

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