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Dufourstrasse 150

9000 St.Gallen

08:00 - 12:00 13:30 - 17:30

Montag bis Freitag

Living Will

Living Will

A living will allows a person, who is capable of judgment, to determine which medical measures he/she agrees to receive in case of inability of judgement. It may also designate a person to decide on the medical measures in its place.

The establishment of a living will and its place of deposit can be entered on the insurance card. Doctors and other medical service providers are eligible for registration. Doctors are obliged to consult the insurance card before treating an unjudgmental patient. They must comply with any living will, unless it contains inadmissible instructions (direct active euthanasia) or if they have reasonable doubt that they comply with the will of the patient.

Only doctors and other medical service providers equipped with the required reader can query the data on the insurance card. It is advisable to keep a reference in your wallet to the patient’s directive and the place of deposit as well as the address of the trusted third parties. The living will can be deposited with relatives or other trusted third parties as well as with the family doctor. This ensures that those affected can access this data in an emergency.

Create a free living will here:



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